Follow are a few suggestions on how to prepare your pigeons for quarantine and transport :

  1. Book on time and only by using the booking form on this website. Make sure you provide us with all the requested information, only than we can serve you as good as we would like.
  2. Visit a specialized veterinarian for a general health check on Cancer, fungi etc.. If indicated by the veterinarian, treat them against it.
  3. Vaccinate your pigeons against Paramyxo (pmv-1 / Newcastle disease) at least 21 days prior to transportation, preferably in combination with vaccines against other pigeon diseases. Other vaccines we recommend are: Rotra, Adeno, Circo, Herpes, Paratyphoid and pox. In case of young birds we highly recommend you to vaccinate against Rotra, Adeno and Circo.
  4. Treat your pigeons against worms and other in- and external parasites.
  5. Spray them against feather lice.
  6. Remove unfunctional leg rings.

The better you prepare, the higher the success rate.

If you still have any questions regarding the above, please contact us.